5 Months + for Jamey
Jamey is closer to 6 months now, but I am reflecting back on his five month mark and beyond. He had his first Thanksgiving and although he didn't get any real food (just breastmilk), I know he will be enjoying it all Thanksgiving of 2019. I bought him a little bow tie when he was just a newborn and Thanksgivng was the perfect occasion for him to wear it. He wore it to be like his Uncle Bob, who is known for wearing a bow tie over a standard long tie. The first picture shows Jamey and his first bow tie, that I will save forever!
Our Christmas tradition is to buy a balled tree each year, one that Matt's family had when he was young, and plant it in our side field after the holiday. We will watch them grow over the years and think back on all the memories we made as a family here on Paradise Alley. They will create a new hedgerow on the side of our property that faces the road. The second picture is our tree picking day at Poynter's Farm, about five minutes from our home. They have an ornament shop on the property and this year Cora picked out a yellow Crayola crayon and for Jamey I chose a little bear. We write the year on the ornament and decorating the tree is always my favorite part of Christmas as a result. Looking back on the ornaments collected over the years and remembering the things we loved each year, that is priceless to me.
Jamey is rolling from side to side and can go from his belly to his back but not his back to belly just yet. He is so very close but just needs a little more time. His bulky reusable diaper probably does not help with his progress, but we will keep working on it and before long I am sure he will be rolling across the room. Pictures three through five capture our sweet, blue-eyed "Sugar Bear". He is very alert, adores his big sister, is happy as can be and has truly completed our family. You definitely do not have to share your love for your children, it grows with each child and provides equal love for each of them.
Santa makes Cora a little uncomfortable. She says she is "shy", based on a book "Brave Santa" she has been reading, but I am going to go with nervous as the actual feeling she has. As you can see in the sixth picture, Cora opted for the chair beside Santa and was happy to give Santa's lap to Jamey. Santa was able to lure her to the chair by saying he had treats! On the way home from Santa she had a candy cane in one hand and a lolipop in the other, as it would be very unusual if she turned down a treat (not impossible but very rare). She doesn't really understand the concept of asking for toys yet, but she has asked for a fire engine because of the book "Brave Santa". Santa asked if she would like a doll and a coloring book and her response was "sure". She tends to name people and everyday things in response to the question of what did you ask for from Santa. I am sure after this year she will know exactly what to do for Christmas 2019. Cora did compliment Santa on the bells around the ankles of his boots, which was very sweet. Jamey didn't mind sitting on Santa's lap and with his calm demeanor, it is possible that he will never be upset by seeing Santa. For now, Santa is alright in Jamey's book. Jamey is going to be receiving one of the greatest gifts an almost sixth month old could get on Christmas, real food and a menu of avocados, butternut squash, sweet potatoes and carrots. We are very excited for Jamey because he has been salivating at the sight of our real food at family meals over the past month approximately. This stage requires a bit more effort on our end, and a decrease in my breastmilk backstock, but it is a very exciting time to develop Jamey's food palate.