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Valentine's Day = More Balloons!

Our sweet, forever valentine, Cora Presley Bailey! The perfect opportunity for more balloons and Cora received them from both Mommy and Daddy. Just in case you were wondering, there is no such thing as too many balloons in Cora's world.

Cora is in the process of transitioning from pureed foods to most foods in their solid form, just softened. She still only has one tooth, but does an excellent job of chewing. The original plan was to eat as a family, but that hasn't worked out on many occasions. We have been feeding Cora first and then Matt and I eat following, while Cora gets a little play time in before bed or very late and after she goes to bed.. Now that Cora is interested in what we are eating, we are going to try to the eat as a family approach again. It will take a little more planning and certain foods I would like to keep organic for Cora, but hopefully it won't be too hard of a transition.

I shared a few pictures below from Valentine's Day. The three of us, sweet cheeks with her balloon entourage and Mommy loving on Cora. Our hearts are full of love for Cora and we thank God everyday for such an amazing blessing.

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